Tuesday, April 05, 2005

On the Road, Day 3

I've spent the past couple of days enjoying the local Lusby, MD culture with my friend Shannon who is an environmental toxicologist and all around rad lady. Yesterday afternoon we met up with her friend and coworker Kristy (who is moving to the LA area this summer) and we headed down to the shore where we picked out a choice fallen tree upon which to sit and enjoy Guaro coctails and absorb our serene surroundings. Talk about perfect downtime after hustling up to NYC and back!

Once the sun set we ventured over to Guido's, a local bar full of local drunks. We drank huge Yeunglings, played Keno, freaked out the regulars with our jukebox selections, and gorged ourselves on spicy wings, pizza, and fried shrimp. We then ventured over to another local bar (I forget what it's called) where I spent a good bit of time being silly with Kristy, taking shots of Patron, and discussing with the town drunk exactly why he shouldn't give a shit what other people think.

After nursing our royal hangovers this afternoon, Shannon took me to her favorite greasy spoon, The Frying Pan, where we dined upon grilled sandwiches and banana cream pie and giggled at the stuffed black squirrel hanging above our table. Apparently during the holidays they dress the entire array of taxidermied fauna in seasonal clothing.

I am now sitting in a coffee shop in DC listening to the Rosebuds and drinking a Thai iced coffee while I wait for Jack to get home from work. There was no way in hell I was going to drive through downtown DC in rush hour. I may be crossing the threshold on many of my fears and doubts at the moment, but I'm not THAT adventurous.

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